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Future Expected

Currently i am studying Information Technology for Business in Cityu SCOPE. In this semester , we are having 3 modules including 119 Current Technology, 121 Introduction to computing and 126 Business Decision Making. These three course can help me to prepare for a career in IT industries. For example 119 Current Technology helps me to learn more about IT knowledge, it's lesson contain a lot of high tech knowledge that i don's know,  Also,121 Introduction to computing can help me to learn more about coding. And the 126 Business Decision Making can helps me to know Increase/decrease price of a product,compare own with other businesses,decide to expand to other countries,change providers and borrow money for future operations. Those programs really helps me a lot to prepare for a career in IT.

How I am developing as a professional within IT? I am going to learn more knowledge about IT such as computer's hardware and software, and also doing some study research for some large topic for example AI and VR and AR to prepare for my IT career. Moreover, i am going to  master some of the program language for example python , C++ , html and java to prepare to be a professional within IT.

For the future career choice, i am considering to be a programmer. Nowadays technology changes with each passing day, there is a shortage in Hong Kong's IT market. Therefore, the IT market is providing lots of job. I am going to continue study programming at school to improve my skill of writing program to prepare for after 3 to 4 years, i can be a programmer that can handle different type of programming.

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